Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year, New Thoughts

Greeting for the New Year. I am amazed that so months have gone by without me blogging here. In truth I had many ideas to blog and share. I did so many amazing things last year that I could have talked about here...but yet....I didn't.

I have many reason, excuses, explanations but really the true reason is I didn't think anyone would be interested in what I had to say. I kinda felt unless I had some actual jewelry to talk about I was short changing the point of this blog. I mean seriously what's a jewelry blog without actual posts about making jewelry. LOL.

Over the holiday break I took some time off from my other blog...yeah the semi famous mommy blog. My life as a mommy blogger has been a bit demanding. There were times during Sep/Oct where I was continuously attending media events, reviewing products, networking and socializing. On top of all that I was being a mom to my son. That is a fulltime job in itself. After all of that where is time for jewelry making...or blogging about jewelry making?!

Well I pondered this thought over the break. I wondered if I should just close down this blog and shelf my jewelry supplies. Matter of fact I did put my jewelry tools and supplies back in storage. When I finally got up the nerve to log into my jewelry related email/online profiles I found some interesting things.

I am touched beyond belief that people STILL find this blog and reach out to me. Other jewelry people, other creative moms, heck even one of the representative from Artbeads Blogging for Beads Program checked in with me. Who would guess all these people even remembered this blog...much less me.

But that's the thing. You never know how other people think and feel about the things you share. So I had this thought.... If I can't write about making and selling tons of jewelry perhaps I can continue to write about the process of....

  • being creative.
  • looking at jewelry in new ways
  • my own jewelry journey and how it's shaping me.

I've always felt there is as much value in the journey of something as much as in the end result. Hopefully my readers old and new will feel the same. Shall we begin...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Birthday Feature on Etsy For Charity

Guess which black jewelry designer was feature on Etsy For Charity blog main page today. ME! Happy birthday to me indeed!

Ah that was nice. Wondered how that happened? Each month we get to choose a day slot to be featured on the EFC blog. When I saw no one had requested the 23rd then I did. I guess it helped that I also told them it's my birthday.

The jewelry that was featured is my Rainbow Flourite Nuggets Necklace.

It's looks kinda nice being center stage. I really should show off my jewelry more. Maybe this will be the encouragement I need. Maybe.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Madness of Creativity

"You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." – Robin Williams

I've always felt that "we" creative types have tapped into being a little bit insane. I mean think about it...we're making something out of nothing really and tell you it's important. LOL

But what happens when you start to be sane? I feel lately like I'm losing my madness.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Art of Mourning Jewelry

About a week ago my stepfather ended up in the hospital after a heart attack. He had to have emergency surgery and all that. My family of course went into what I thought of as the "death fear" mode.

It was interesting to see and hear people's reaction to the "fact" that we're all impermanent. But I won't get into that here....that's a whole other blog.

Well my step dad survived the heart attack and surgery. When I spoke to him we had an interesting convo. After asking him how's he's doing and all that...he replied " You can put away your outfit for the funeral...jewels and all.

Hairwork Mourning Bracelet- Things Gone By
photo credit: Things Gone By Hairwork Mourning Bracelet

Seems my stepfather knows me. See, I understand death is a part of life, just as much as birth. While everyone was wondering about their own mortality...I was wondering what to wear. This thought reminded me of the custom of mourning jewelry.

During the Georgian and Victorian Periods, works of art and jewelry were created out of hair and other materials to commemorate the loss of loved ones. These mourning pieces served as an eternal memorial and reminder of the lost loved one.

While there are many compaies making jewelry to celebrate life very few make jewelry to remember a dead loved one. But there is a good amount of info about the history behind this type of jewelry. Doing a quick search I found

  • Jenny Vorwalker (, another jewelry maker who also blogged about mourning jewelry
  • Morbid Outlook ( has an article on Victorian Mourning Fashion which includes jewelry.
  • Victorian Hairwork Society (, shows you many different types of jewelry made from hair

I also found the website Things Gone By ( which has a mourning jewelry museum and the Art of Mourning ( website which is dedicated to mourning, memorial and sentimental jewellery, funeralia and art.

How wonderful that during the saddest moments of our life, we can still be creative and make beautiful jewelry. There's definitely a lesson for me to learn from that.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Animal Inspired Design EAOC August Theme

So as I now try...once turn my attention back to jewelry I decided to keep up with the challenges/themes for some of the etsy teams I'm part. First up Etsy Artists of Color August Theme

EAOC August Theme: The challenge/ theme is to create and/or showcase all of our animal-inspired designs.

Batik Bead Tube Earrings

Hmm, I can't say I do alot of prints or jewelry with a pattern look, since I'm currently on a gemstone and metal focus. Yet, I do have quite a few beads that I have yet to use soooooo...I made these earrings for the EAOC challenge/theme.

They're made using Mudcloth Batik Bone Beads from Kenya, Africa with Sterling Silver finds.

Some Batik Bead Info ~ Mudcloth beads are made of bone and are created in Africa using a "batik" technique. Wax is painted onto the bead to create a design, then the remaining surface is darkened with a vegetable dye. Once the dye is set, the wax is removed. The resulting graphic is reminiscent of the African "bogolanfini" fabric known as mudcloth.

Oddly enough when I look at these beads they remind me of a cow. LOL.

Thus, I feel I meet the EAOC August Theme for an animal-inspired design. What do you think?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Connection of Myspace and Self Promotion

Like everyone else I have a myspace business profile, that I made when myspace was considered the new hot spot to promote yourself. I started building a community there and promoting my brand, but it's alot of work finding and marketing to the right kind of people on that site. Not impossible but alot of work.

While hanging on on myspace for some reason I decided to turn my attention somewhere else...perhaps there was some new hot site that lanched and of course I wanted to try it out. Whatever the case my presence there as business has been lacking. But every now and then someone surfs over and makes contact.

A few weeks back I received a myspace email asking me if I wanted to donate some jewelry for the Southern Maine Pagan Pride Day (, in exchange for being advertised at the event.

First thing is I'm not familiar with this event, which is out of state. At first I was like...umm, I don't even know you, but you want me to send you my jewelry? I mean this was the women's first email to me. I felt least exchange a few emails with me before you ask for my jewelry.

But then I thought...why not...I can make and send something on faith for help this women out. If it turns out to be a scam...well it's her karma but if it's legit then we both benefit.

Promoting my business hasn't exactly been on the top of my list lately. LOL. Maybe this can be a way to do some alternate forms of promoting.

So within the next couple of day I'll make a few simple earrings, bring out some business cards and then send everything out on faith and see what happens.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Merry Go Round - What Inspires

It's Merry-Go-Round topic blogging time! This month's topic is to answer the question..."What inspires us: a peak into journals, pinboards, folders or wherever we keep our little snippets of inspiring stuff.

So even though I knew this topic was coming I wasn't very please to share. LOL. Not that I didn't want to share but in order to share I had to brave the inspiration box. The inspiration box started out as a inspiration folder that grew into an inspiration binder that...well grew into a box over the years. So what's in there that inspires me you wonder?

It's a combo of a binder and bits and pieces of things I find interesting like fabric, magazine ads, jewelry sketches, etc. Inspiration for me doesn't come from just jewelry, beading or fashion magazines. Anything I find interesting that can be re-made into a jewelry design goes in there. I also write little notes on the pages so I remember what inspired me and how I want to experiment with the idea.

But as I look at my box I fear it's outgrown it's current size. LOL. I've been trying to prune it and remove ideas that I've completed or that I'm not inspired by anymore. Still there's still lots in there to be inspired by...

Sadly this is my last contribution for the Merry-Go-Round project.

But the other members are still sharing and blogging so please make a note of their links and go take a visit. Each month a group of creative folks get together, pick a topic and then blog about it at the same time...give or take a time zone.

Agathe @ Le Bar du Vent (
Andreanna @ Glamasaurus
Charlotte @ Fancy Picnic
Fabienne @ Easterya
Marian @ Florcita
Wendren @ Wren